De Pwa, de Mezir


Once in a while our esteemed National Assembly proclaims itself as The Great Educator, ever mindful and ready to set good examples for the Seychellois public. Indeed they repeat it often:

“We are supposed to set good examples, the public are expecting it from us”.

Once in a while it forgets that noble role completely and sets the totally wrong examples, sometimes even walking out like kindergarten children who can’t have their toys.

And sometimes it does things half-heartedly (De Pwa, De Mezir -Creole for ‘Double Standards’) as we can see here in one of their recent sessions where they were not the best of examples to the nation with regards to protecting themselves and each other during Covid-19.

In the very same week that Public Health Commissioner Jude Gedeon was pressing home the point that wearing masks has been proven to cut down transmission, and various responsible institutions were requiring masks from the public such as the Courts and PUC payment offices.

And yet if there is a place where there is plenty of splutter it is in this very august assembly.

Mr. Speaker, Sir!