For four years our duo political School Masters in the Ruling Coalition were Wavel and Danny. No matter how constitutionally and politically powerful both were: yet, still both over-greedily wanted to consolidate more power. Luckily both were institutionally and democratically tamed. For the first time, we really saw them as locked horned egalitarian public servants working under a new rational authority as opposed to the four decades where Albert/Michel’s authoritarianism were based on irrational authority whose driving forces were based on Seselwa submissive feelings of powerlessness, fear and admiration for the Homo Deus/Patron-who they thought had an apparent exceptional personal superiority (charismatic domination). How collectively self-deluded Seselwa were as both Albert/Michel were two rebel-authoritarians cum sadomasochistic characters as eluded in the novel “Moby Dick”? Danny and Wavel are and were handsomely paid by tax payers (through labor and rent-seeking) and they both enjoyed the perks (societal wealth) associated with their respective Offices. Equally, Seselwa did enjoy some nominal political and economic rights and some new freedom of expressions. The latter was well valorized in the public space most notably through the digital storm launched by key board warriors on Social Media. The year “2016” was the beginning of a real revolutionary struggle against authoritarian SPPF fatigue. The precariat was thus, able to declare its “first state of People’s Emergency” against injustices, poverty, corruption, inequality and despotism in the oligarchic ruling coalition. Seselwa were able to voice their utopian feelings/dreams namely in that they will no longer be collateral damages in the SPPF/LDS authoritarian enclaves. Seselwa wanted complete democratic overhauls as most (if not all) our institutional actors/actresses cum conservative-authoritarians were and are co-opted-hence simply serving and sustaining majoritarian authoritarianism on a quid pro quo dalliances. Immediately thereafter, we were hyper-literally blind-folded by both Wavel and Danny with the establishment of the Anti-Corruption Commission which was swiftly and magically co-opted and contained in the authoritarian institutional landscape.

People of Seychelles (born in Paradise under a herd mentality) we should thus, be very mindful of that “State of Emergency” albeit we have been super excellent in enduring and conforming to the health one declared by President Faure and Dr. Gedeon. As the elections looms near, one has to reflect deeply that both Wavel and Danny has portrayed a blind refusal to address the structural contradictions of a highly unequal society as read with alarming corrosive decline in the Seselwa happiness-gap and our collective cry for popular, egalitarian, restorative and redistributive justice. Sadly, our AUTHORITARIAN CULTURE, weak political morality (latter is responsible for the breakdown in our myth of a multi-racial society by the recent attacks on Satya Naidu as prophesized by me in 1998) and the alliance between conservative authoritarian politicians and capital persistently consume and subsume too much our Creoles synergies. Additionally, reptilian authoritarian foreigners are callously corroborating theirs in imperialistic styles. Therefore, we are still being beautifully manipulated under false consciousness into precarity, moralization, and robotism where the ninety nine percent will simply live and dies under the totalitarian throne of a neo liberal market ideology and domestic competitive authoritarianism between LDS and United Seychelles. Our authoritarian and coercive bureaucracy continues to breed and promote frustrations. I bet my life that had it not been for the pre-ordained design of false consciousness, the streets of Victoria/Providence/La Passe would almost certainly have been witnessing manifestations of social conflicts and struggles(especially in this Covid-plague period) between unequal groups. Seselwa failures are the result of lives lived wrongly in a society that is badly arranged under authoritarian legality and thus not, the inevitable consequence of man’s falls. In the forthcoming “game of thrones”, it will be thus, a majoritarian electoral suicide into ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL UNFREEDOMS, if we desire to elect either a left or a centre-right Legibus Solubus and hence hand him concentrated constitutional and political Powers with a Majority in the National Assembly? As I write this essay as read with the dissolution of the National Assembly, Pseudo-Incumbent Danny is ruling unilaterally and he is consciously trying to create a fear of destitution so pervasive that it overrides the conflicting fear of Covid-19. What a shame but this is the political price we all have to pay as no one is educating Seselwa to legally discern about the complex structure of POWER which White and Patriarchal Albert had ambushed us with under that crooked Constitution. Recent chess and political brinkmanship has shown us how the stealth authoritarianism of Danny was lock horned with an authoritarian National Assembly, whereby he was cornered and caged to deepen democratic space of translation, critique and resistance. He had to give in to more defending and deepening gains albeit his stealth authoritarianism anger was clear to all behind his strategic behavior in the public space. (Contributed)