Dr. Ah- Moye becomes victim of political non tolerance!

The well-known retired doctor, Guy Ah-Moye is well liked in Seychelles and on the local social media sites and groups. His contribution to topics is mostly fact based and or well thought out. The man does have his own opinion but it is very rarely that he would write a solely opinion based post. He is also well known as being among the first to start protesting the setting up of a military base on the Assomption Island. He was the first to lobby the National Assembly on the subject by protesting alone along the road to the NA building with his poster.

This past week, Dr. Ah-Moye put up a post on face book announcing that he has been blocked out of the Seychelles Daily and United Seychelles Daily FB groups. These groups are both highly political and promoting the LDS political party. According to Dr. Ah Moye’s post he seems to have upset the group’s administrators with some of his views. His post also raises the question of freedom of expression, as he asks whether such action is in line with this right.

It is very interesting that the blockade on Dr. Ah Moye is to last up to Election Day on 24th October. This in itself shows it is a sad attempt to stop the good doctor from expressing political beliefs which may not be in favor of LDS. If ahead of the elections this is happening in Seychelles and within the realm of the opposition what guarantee does the public have that an LDS government will uphold the right to free speech and other freedoms?

As Dr. Ah Moye reacted and went public again on face book to inform of this situation, the administrators of United Seychelles Daily backed down and revoked the blockade. By Sunday 11th October afternoon he was allowed to post and comment within the group. This also came partly as a result of many LDS followers on Facebook commenting on the Doctor’s post and expressing their support for him.

Recently Dr. Ah Moye bore the brunt of some of the LDS supporter’s ridicule when clearly his stance on certain issues were not to their liking. In one particular instance someone even asked him, who was “the idiot” who gave him his doctor’s degree.

These kinds of attacks highlight the danger of political fanaticism, which is rampant on both sides of the political divide in Seychelles, which is causing a lot of people to be insulted because of expressing an opinion which others do not like. Despite this the comments are all expressed in line with their right to express themselves and not once has Dr. Ah Moye retaliated in the same vein. This shows his level of maturity, something clearly lacking in the mentality of those who decided to block him in the first place.