Opinion letter from a concern citizen

Dear Mr. Editor.

I am writing to express my utter disappointment with the level of hypocrisy that the former leader of the opposition, Wavel Ramkalawan have displayed throughout his career as a politician but most importantly, the last few years as the leader of the party who had majority chairs in the National Assembly. Just recently Mr. Ramkalawan wrote a post on social media regarding the subject of racism. In that post, Ramkalawan condemned the outcry of the Seychellois people against his recent choice of candidate for the district of St Louis, namely Mr. Satya, a person of Indian origin. Ramkalawan categorically denounced what he called xenophobic attacks on Mr. Naidu but what was ironic about his post was that it showed a very high level of hypocrisy on his part as the LDS Presidential candidate with regards to the issue of racism. If we look back through the last three years in the national assembly we will observe how Ramkalawan stood muted when one of the LDS’s staunch chauvinist supporter, Bernard Sullivan, racially abused, over and again, Seychellois of African origin.

We will recall how, Ramkalawan himself have spent countless times in Parliament launching racist attacks on his opponents. Only recently he famously did so against a woman Parliamentarian, Honourable Ghislain, right in front of the camera in one of the Assembly sessions. You are a real plaster saint!

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that it is absolutely normal for creole Seychellois to be concerned about your candidate for St Louis. Being concerned does not, by any chance, mean that we are racist.

The people of Seychelles are simply anxious because giving such a person an opportunity to be in Parliament means that you are allowing/giving a person of Indian origin great political power. This is a person, despite having lived his entire life in Seychelles, who is still unable to speak proper creole, he still favors the Indian culture over our own and he basically lives the complete Indian way of life, as would be expected. Not too long ago, Mr. Naidu even decided to go to India to choose a wife. Having smelt the possibility of being a Parliamentarian and understanding the political power that, you, Wavel is about to bestow upon Mr. Naidu, he is now ferociously talking about bringing RADICAL CHANGE TO OUR BELOVED SEYCHELLES.

We should be cautious with the manner in which we are playing with our sovereignty.

Have we forgotten that it was the LDS party members who openly objected to the idea of having an Indian military base in Seychelles? And here I am talking about the Assomption Island saga, which we recently went through. Should we then turn a blind eye over the fact that the Indians are running some sort of a cartel in the Country in terms of the retail shops and other small businesses?

Are we forgetting that the Indians are buying a great deal of our private lands and that they are having small communities which does not even open up to Seychellois? Should we forget that they are controlling a large portion of our economy and have no intentions of allowing or even creating space for our locals to come in? Or should we forget about the 2015 letter which the same Mr. Naidu wrote to the Tamil community where you made a list of promises in there for the Indian community, which was a desperate move from you to gain votes. You may have forgotten but Seychelles, never will! Does all of those points for reflection mean that I am a racist or a xenophobic person? What will Political Power allow such a person to do?

A clear example, is this person if elected, will have the power to bring legislations that favour the Indian Business Community and allow them to strengthen their grip and increase their shares in all businesses in the Seychelles to the detriment of our own local businessman. They will also be able to shape how businesses will be conducted in the Seychelles in the future. This is just one example given as food for thought. Seychellois, be warned!So, Wavel, if you have taken money for this decision, I suggest that you humbly return that money and do what is right for Seychelles.

Thank you.

A once fanatical supporter of LDS who has opened his eyes!(Name withheld on request)