ELECTIONS 2020 Seychelles needs new innovative leadership –But where will this really come from?

THE Election roadmap is throwing up with twists and turns, with some sad characters and incidents along the way, as a motley crew jostles for position to win the vote of the Seychellois, but not giving the right confidence in return.We’re just not in a good place.Seychellois clearly deserve a strong, capable and innovative team to guide them through the scary economic period that Covid-19 is dishing up, and it’s getting clear by the week that this required leadership is not going to come from one team alone.It’s becoming clearer than ever before that the tiredness of the old cannot just be replaced by the zealousness of the new.Desire for power for the sake of power, let alone for greed, is not a qualification for good leadership.Only within the space of these last 30 days “noun sorti dan labarb e tonm dan moustas”We already have one principal candidate who has a loose pair of hands, ready to hit anyone that incurs his wrath (see out front page story).He has slapped someone who let’s say has rubbed him the wrong way and has spent his time trying to get himself out of it by playing with the dates.And we have another one who cannot come up with a vice-presidential candidate only three months before the election. This is a sign of serious weakness and a total lack of transparency to his own supporters. It comes across as the incumbent is really struggling to find someone with credibility to run alongside him.